The Dior Replica Handbags is quite unique, it's a new bag by Alexander Wang. Unique when it comes to its shape and form, this Dior Replica Handbags could be your newest favorite mini bag to tote around wherever you go.
Though we think that the design is somewhat one-of-a-kind, we still couldn't help but agree among us that this bag from Alexander Wang might be inspired by the Dior Replica Handbags, especially with the studded bottom. The Replica Celine Bags is a beautiful bag but some argues that the studs are way too heavy. So you really got to love it.
Enough with the Dior Replica Handbags. Let's talk more about the Rogue. This small bag is made from genuine leather with fabric lining and silver-tone hardware, has a zip top closure, an interior pocket and exterior pocket with retractable pochette, silver tone rivets on the bottom, handles and an adjustable and detachable shoulder strap.
Measuring 6.5' x 3.75' x 0.5' (W x H x D) inches, priced at $995 USD via Elyse Walker.