Seems like a lot of BRAGMYBAG readers have fallen in love with Valentino’s New York Valentino Replica Handbags Collection, which featured handbags in minimalistic white and super cute red hearts.
But anyway, another accessories that captured our attention are these tasty Replica Chloe Bags, which were presented in the Spring 2015 Collection. I love the tri-tone colour variation, the colored horizontal stripes that blend together makes an interesting item to watch. It got something that its hard to explain, I am glad that it is not single colored .
It’s a handbag for the winter as well as the summer (but I think more for the summah!), imagine you in your multi-color dress and perhaps some slippers on. Or for the night-outs is also perfect.
The tri-tone colors reflect the Italian pop art mood and it practical too, with three compartments ready to hold your essentials, made with a simple golden plate on the closure, give menswear hues a lux update and carry this bag over your shoulder.
Measuring 7’ x 10’ x 1.5’ (H x W x D) inches, priced at $2695 USD at MyTheresa.